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File List | 1997-10-03 | 19.2 KB | 293 lines |
- ========================
- Delphi Utilities
- ========================
- ADFIND32.ZIP Adrock Software Source Searcher Expert (32bit)
- The TAdrockSearchExpert is a utility designed to help you
- locate references of text in all of your .PAS files from the
- currently loaded project.
- ADFINDER.ZIP TAdrockSourceSearcher Expert
- The TAdrockSourceSearcher expert is an expert that is accessed
- through the help menu of Delphi. With this expert you can
- search through the current Delphi Project for text in all of
- the .PAS files. You simply enter the text you want to find and
- the click search and the expert will search through all the
- selected files. When the expert is first opened all the .PAS
- files in the project are highlighted, you may select or
- unselect as many of the files as needed.
- AITKEN.ZIP Class Navigator 2
- Is a Delphi 2 support application which gives you the
- capability to quickly "drill down" through the various VCL
- classes to better understand what and where things are
- happening. All 49 units, 516 classes and 9373 class members are
- immediately at your finger tips as well as the capability to
- add your own units defining descendent classes. An
- indispensable tool for component writers and others interested
- in learning more about Delphi's VCL.
- ASSI20B.ZIP TAssistent 2.02
- Is a visual component for creating Wizards. It is fully
- functional without compiling the program. You can use the
- delphi formular designer to create the pages of the Wizard. It
- is possible to change the layout of the buttons. You can
- control the sequence of the pages in a property editor
- (WayList) and in code with events and jumps.
- CC16.ZIP Component Create (tm) 2.2 for Delphi (demo)
- Is the best way for application developers to create re-usable
- functionality. Component Create gives you an intuitive
- interface and powerful code generator that speeds you down the
- learning curve. Whether you are new to component- writing or an
- old hand, Component Create multiplies your productivity. You
- point and click to set up your component, then get quality,
- commented Pascal code. Complete code re-generation means you
- can change the component definition -- adding and deleting
- properties, methods, events -- without losing your work.
- CGN_D32S.ZIP Component Generator for Delphi2 Version 1.00 ShareWare
- Is a simple but very effective tool to turn visually designed
- Delphi2 forms into TPanel based visual components. It will scan
- the .DFM and .PAS files that contain the description and
- underlying code for the form, and ( after allowing the user
- some modifications) will create a single .PAS code file, that
- can be compiled into an installable Delphi2 component.
- CGPIPRED.ZIP Picture-Property-Editor
- Chris G.┤s Picture-Property-Editor Features: File-Selection
- with ImmiView, Drag'n'Drop, PasteFromClipboard, ResetToProp,
- User-Maintained DirHistory and FileHistory, Desktop-Grabber,
- AllPicsOfDir-Preview, Bitmap-Cropping
- COBUILD.ZIP Component Builder (v2.31)
- Creates all the necessary pascal code for new component
- properties, methods, message handlers and event handlers as
- well as the underlying declarations and code skeletons. Simply
- describe your properties, methods, etc. , select a few
- attributes and Component Builder builds the component for you.
- COOLMANL.ZIP Cool tools Beta Version 0.95 For Delphi 32 Bit
- Cool Tools for Delphi is a suite of add in experts for the
- Delphi IDE. As at beta release 0.95 these comprise of two
- experts.
- *Property Expert
- -The Property Expert automates the process of adding an
- -object to a class. The full Delphi syntax for property
- -declaration is supported including property visibility,
- -method access, default values, array properties and more.
- *Quick Code Expert
- The Quick Code Expert is similar to Code Insight in Delphi 3.
- It enables a list of code snippets to be maintained for easy
- insertion into the code editor. These snippets are fully
- editable. The snippets are stored in format compatible with
- the Delphi 3 Code Insight templates and indeed we suggest
- the provided templates are added to the defaults provided
- with Delphi 3.
- CPDL33.ZIP Code.Print Lite for Delphi
- It's a source code documentation system that's designed for
- professional developers. If source code is a deliverable or
- code walk throughs and peer reviews are part of you regular
- routine, Code.Print will help you look good and save you
- time.
- Is a utility, designed to make creating slicker neater Delphi
- Applications easier. You drop one on any form , and it allows
- you access to properties of the many controls on the form, in a
- quick convenient way, which good as the old Object Inspector
- is, is still slow.
- CYBSTR_1.ZIP Cyborg String Expert - 32 bit
- Cyborg Software's String Expert is a native Delphi Expert that
- hugely simplifies creating & maintaining String tables,
- resource files and files of access constants. The advantages of
- using string resources rather than embedded constants are well
- documented, but Delphi as shipped makes no allowance for
- dealing with string tables, except for a resource compiler.
- CYBSTREX.ZIP Cyborg String Expert - 16 bit
- String Expert is a native Delphi Expert that hugely simplifies
- creating & maintaining String tables, resource files and files
- of access constants. The advantages of using string resources
- rather than embedded constants are well documented, but Delphi
- as shipped makes no allowance for dealing with string tables,
- except for a resource compiler. by Boris
- DBFSTRU.ZIP DBF Structure Apollo Code Generator
- This program reads the header of existing .DBF files and
- creates Delphi code based on the structure of the file. The
- code generated is the bulk of the work to create tables and
- indicies in Delphi using Apollo from SuccessWare International.
- This is useful for those of us that are moving programs from
- other languages into Delphi.
- DFMINS12.ZIP Delphi Form Inspector 1.02
- A tool for Borland Delphi developers. Allows you to view, edit,
- archive, and compare Delphi forms in ASCII format. Includes an
- interface to PVCS. Forms can be archived in ASCII. This reduces
- disk space requirements for the PVCS archive and allows you to
- compare different versions of the same form. Lets you keep
- track of changes you have made. Works with Delphi version 1.0.
- Registered version works with 2.0. More flexible than Delphi's
- built-in support for ASCII forms. A must-have for serious
- Delphi developers! Registration is only $15.00.
- DLCM11.ZIP Delphi Library Configuration Manager
- Have you got more than one copy of Delphi installed? Do you use
- more than one Component Library? Have you ever been at the
- point of tearing your hair out when swapping between versions
- or component libraries? ... if you answered yes to any of these
- questions then Delphi Library Configuation Manager (DLCM) is
- the answer to your prayers (if you are that easily pleased)
- DLCM simply takes a snapshot of Delphi's library settings
- (Tools-Options-Library) from within the Windows 95 registry and
- stores them along with a "named" alias for later recall.
- DRVCS1.ZIP ViCiouS 1.05 (public beta)
- Welcome to ViCiouS, my poor man's Version Control System for
- Delphi. This public beta is now for both the 16-bit and 32-bit
- version of ViCiouS, since the required 32-bit version of
- DRBOB.DLL is now also available. The DrBob.DLL, the final
- version of ViCiouS will be 16- and 32-bits, and the source will
- be "single source platform compatible" (i.e. with a lot of
- {$IFDEF WIN32} inside). 16-bits Installation The installation
- of the 16-bits version of ViCiouS is pretty straightforward,
- and consist of nothing more than executing INSTALL.EXE (make
- sure VICIOUS.DL_ is in the same directory).
- EXT_IDE.ZIP Extended IDE for Delphi 2, Delphi 3 and Borland C++Builder
- This small component fixes a bug in the Objectinspector. As you
- know some properties have sub-properties. These properties
- start with a "+" in the left column. If you select such a
- property and press the "+" key at the keyboard, nothing
- happens. The only way to get access to the sub-properties is to
- double click with the mouse on it.
- EZQUERY.ZIP EZQuery v1.0
- The easy-to-use end-user query builder written in 100% Delphi -
- 16-bit & 32-bit versions EZQuery is an easy-to-use, powerful
- query builder for Delphi 1.0 and 2.0. It is written in 100%
- Delphi! No VBX's, DLL's, etc. It allows programmers to add
- end-user query capabilities in a matter of minutes. You have
- full control over which databases and tables a user may query.
- This query builder has been designed from the ground-up based
- on extensive user-interface testing. It's NOT just another
- "tables at the top, fields at the bottom" query builder. It's a
- "Query Wizard" that leads the end-user through every step of
- the query definition process.
- GLLOD200.ZIP GlyphLoader v2.00
- Lets you concentrate on designing your program instead of
- remembering those cryptic glyph filenames. Integrates with
- Delphi to present you with a grid of glyph pictures to choose
- from at design time, whenever you edit a glyph property. Also
- shows the filenames. Swedish ShareWare for Delphi 1.x & 2.x
- GLPROPED.ZIP Glyph-property-editor With integrated drawing progam. You can
- attribute changed bitmaps to the speedbuttons directly. Put you
- a favourite list with the mostly required bitmaps together.
- Available in 16 and 32 bit version.
- ICONHACK.ZIP Free icon patching unit for Delphi 1
- , plus a free icon-to-BMP converter for D2, plus a free 16 bit
- C++ icon patching utility with source. Allows you to offer easy
- replacement of standard 16 color icons with your DLLs,
- extension EXEs, VBXs and more. From Cub Lea, the WinHelp
- Sorcerer, with the contributions of William Brooks, Mitch
- Howard and Mike Reith. READ THE README and mind your
- copyrights!
- IMGEDIT.ZIP Delphi component Image-Edit 1.1
- Do you need a kind of Paintbrush for Delphi? With Image-Edit
- and the database sensitive DBImage-Edit you have the
- possibility to modify bitmap files or graphic fields. Just
- select a function on the paint toolbar and draw! File- and
- clipboard management is included. All you need to do is drop
- the component on your form and compile...
- LISTEXPT.ZIP TListExpert (v1.0) - An Expert
- Is a Delphi Expert which helps you create a homogenous TList
- for a specific class.
- MSGBOX.ZIP Message Box Creator for Delphi 2 Version 1
- This utility is freeware. It simplifies the process of creating
- message boxes for use in your Delphi projects. Using an
- intuitive point and click interface, design and test your
- message boxes interactively. Then simply copy the code to the
- clipboard to paste into your application.
- NAVIGATE.ZIP Project Navigator for Delphi16 v2.0
- Is an add-on tool for your Delphi16 IDE. It monitors the
- current edit window and updates two lists. The upper list shows
- the sections in your program and the lower shows a list of your
- global and local routines in shorthand form using the following
- abbreviations:
- PICEDT12.ZIP Enhanced Image Property Editor v1.2 for Delphi
- Use this improved TPicture and TBitmap property editor to
- easily browse your entire image collections and quickly locate
- the image you are looking for. Features include: different
- previews of images, full size image preview, fast access to
- user-defined directories, plus it also saves settings from one
- session to another. Updates available at
- http://www.bitsoft.com. Freeware. Includes source.
- POGO.ZIP Pogo , game written in Basic with source
- PROJECTS.ZIP Delphi Projects!
- Is a project management add-in for Delphi 2.0. It provides a
- quick access menu to your projects using the Windows 95
- standard Favorites Menu method.
- PTOOL15.ZIP Panther Tools v1.50 -- Freeware
- PTools is a set of components and experts that help the
- designer develop an application without the need for coding.
- The designer can use HyperTxt component to make a block of text
- with hyper words, HyperImage component to make a picture do an
- action, HyperArea to assign any area on the form to an action.
- QGLYPH32.ZIP QuickGlyph Version 1.0 ( 32-Bit for Windows 95/NT )
- QuickGlyph is generally a Glyph Viewer with some extras.
- QRD060D3.ZIP QRDesign 0.60 - enduser report designer
- For Quickreport 2 for Delphi 3. QRDesign lets the user of your
- program create, edit, save and load QuickReports at runtime.
- THIS IS THE 32-BIT DELPHI 3 VERSION. Delphi 1 and Delphi 2
- version can be found at http://www.thsd.de
- RealForms was designed as an easy way to design forms in a
- Windows Metafile format. Although the form filling components
- included were written for Delphi, the files exported by
- RealForms can be used on other platforms also.
- RESXPORT.ZIP Resource Exporter
- Is based on the Resource Explorer demo project of Delphi 3.0.
- However, it adds some important & fun new functionality!
- RSFORMCS.ZIP Component Swapper Delphi utility
- A component swapper is a utility that was designed to aid
- programmers in switching numerous components on a form. Because
- the components are in both the Delphi form file and pascal file
- this swap can become tedious. The component swapper goes into
- each of these files for you and swaps the components you've
- added to your "Swap list." The form component swapper can
- handle any component you add as it only swaps the declarations,
- however Delphi may have difficulty if components of different
- hierarchy are swapped. For example, you should not attempt to
- swap a TEdit for a TImage, as most of thhe properties would not
- correspond. However, swapping TEdit Components for TrsMaskEdits
- is almost seamless.
- RSRFM.ZIP RealForms 16/32bit
- Is a complete form design and data-filling system. Although it
- was not designed as a reporting tool, a form-based report
- generator is definitely possible using the system. Realforms
- supports several pages sizes, and orientations for forms. Forms
- are designed as sets of lines, frames, check boxes and text. We
- are continually updating the program with features and
- additions. Custom Delphi components for form filling are
- provided to incorporate forms into your own applications.
- RTSEARCH.ZIP "RT Search +" (16bit)
- Is an AddIn expert enhancing Borland Delphi IDE original
- editor. Comparing to other programming editors like MultiEdit,
- Delphi's stock editor lacks several important features. It may
- be not as important as the quality of the whole IDE and the
- programming language, but it certainly affects developers
- productivity. This is the reason why we decided to help
- programmers stay with Borland and save hundreds of dollars for
- buying professional programmers' editors, that may or may not
- integrate with Delphi's IDE.
- RTSRCH32.ZIP "RT Search +", (32bit version)
- is an AddIn expert enhancing Borland Delphi IDE
- original editor. Comparing to other programming editors like
- MultiEdit, Delphi's stock editor lacks several important
- features. It may be not as important as the quality of the
- whole IDE and the programming language, but it certainly
- affects developers productivity. This is the reason why we
- decided to help programmers stay with Borland and save hundreds
- of dollars for buying professional programmers' editors, that
- may or may not integrate with Delphi's IDE.
- SIMCOP.ZIP SimCoP is an interpreter for integration with 32bit Delphi
- (2+3) applications. It supports a X-Base-style script language,
- Delphi functions, classes and objects. The shareware version
- has no limitations. The registered version comes with full
- source code. Documentation, help and source-comments are
- available ONLY in GERMAN LANGUAGE!
- XSPELL.ZIP XSpell - Spell Checking Expert for Delphi 1.x and 2.x
- The Only Delphi IDE Spell Checking Expert for the Professional
- Delphi Developer. XSpell is a unique tool for the Delphi
- programming environment. XSpell uses the EDSSpell checking VCL
- to spell check your Delphi source code including strings,
- labels, buttons, menu items, captions, even form files (*.DFM).
- If you like, it will even check your programming comments. All
- from within the Delphi IDE.